🚩 MLEmart.com Store Rest and Reorganization Closure Feb 17 - Feb 19 📌

MLEmart.com - Your One-stop Airsoft Shop in Hong Kong

Looking for something not listed in our store? Let us know and we will try to source it for you!
有氣槍野搵又唔得閒出槍街? 歡迎搵我哋代勞 ( 歡迎港澳台同胞查詢 ) 😄
🚀 順豐街站 / 智能櫃取件自付運費 - 港幣16蚊起, 一日送到 🚀
🚛 香港郵政本地派遞服務 - 港幣35蚊起, 一至兩日送到 🚛

General Notice ( February 18, 2025 )

■ 因人力資源嚴重短缺, 由即日起暫停面交服務, 直至另行通知 ■

■ 訂單需時處理, 如急需發貨請先聯絡查詢庫存狀況 ■

■ Shape-sensitive products such as Airsoft Magazines, Suppressors, Flash Hiders, Receivers, GBB Frames and Gearboxes and the like are resticted to ship to USA, Russia and Ireland and we do reserve the right to cancel orders containing similar products. ■

■ Customers in Australia please contact us with items SKU number and quantity for order quotation if only can do Paypal ■